97.7 Record FM

97.7 Record FM

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STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics have since time immemorial been at the forefront of global transformation, with most innovations rotating around it. But, learning science, technology, engineering and mathematics is an expensive venture, requiring lots of time and resources. With this in mind, innovators are looking for smart and better ways of democratizing […]

Imagine you are in the middle of cooking your favorite meal and all of a sudden, everything stops due to an empty gas cylinder. To those who cook frequently, these are things that can happen now and then. Now imagine that as soon as you find out that your gas cylinder is almost getting empty, […]

At the start of every school term, there are always long queues of students and parents in financial institutions; some withdrawing money and others depositing the same as school fees. This is a time-consuming and risky exercise dreaded by most stakeholders. But financial technology is reducing most of this hustle with innovators developing and launching […]

Weddings in Africa are major social events. Families and friends plan for months on how to give a befitting ceremony to those intending to wed and the hundreds of guests that will bear them witness. These elaborate plans involve lots of funds; a fact that makes wedding contributions and pledges a key element of these […]

The twenty-first century came with its unique disruptions, with technology taking centre stage. But the COVID-19 pandemic is to date the biggest unexpected occurrence. The effects of this pandemic will last for a very long. On one hand, COVID-19 negatively affected every aspect of life; deaths in millions, jobs lost in millions, and global stress […]

Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa is mainly dominated by Subsistence, Smallholder Farmers and Agro-Small and Medium Enterprises. These collectively contribute greatly to the continent’s Food Basket, enhance Food Security and also employ millions of people. That said, they face enormous challenges, many of which threaten their long-term survival.  Such challenges include limited resources, unpredictable seasons, poor […]

Health is the biggest wealth that any human being can have in their entire life. But access to quality health services is a huge challenge globally with most people in Africa and Asia unable to get dignified healthcare. But, some steps are being taken to address these glaring health services disparities. While governments, the private […]

Globally, access to justice is recognized as both a basic human right and a means to protect other universally recognized human rights. One of the major obstacles to accessing justice is the cost of legal advice and representation. The other is ignorance about the law. These challenges continue to stop millions across Africa from seeking […]

Tourism is one of the biggest revenue earners for the East African region. According to data from the East African Community (EAC) secretariat, the sector contributes an average of about 17 per cent to export earnings and its contribution to GDP is quite substantial averaging at around 10 per cent. It generates up to 10 […]

Searching and finding a house to rent as a home or a business is a huge hustle involving several brokers and agents. But when you are fortunate to find your preferred house, another issue comes in. The majority of the property owners and managers have rent agreements that guarantee them bulk payments that are yearly, […]