Lest We Forget This Women’s Day Forthwith!
Written by Editor on March 8, 2021
By Tawanda and Felice
No Doubt We Are The Beauty Of Uganda!
A man can build a house but, it is a woman who makes it a home, full of colour, filled with joy, delicious hearty meals full of aroma to leave a belly warm and satisfied.
Ummm, our fathers could easily write that essay of:
“The days I’ll never forget, the days my wife was not at home…”
You and I are those beautiful flowers 💐 that make Uganda that beautiful garden admired among nations …the Pearl of Africa.
Why a flower one might ask? So beautiful to behold, so sweet a scent, yet so tender to the touch, so fragile and so fleeting in life?
Well, that is exactly the point, oh my fellow sister.
Lest we forget!
Lest we forget that we have A Maker, The Gardener, and get carried away by our beauty and the gifts He gave us in many shades which is but…vanity.
Lest we forget to shine forth His glory (NO, NEVER ours!)only for His Divine will and purpose as a blessing to all those around us.
Lest we forget!
Lest we forget that our fleeting time in the garden belongs to Him alone.
That’s it exactly! You and I can choose to be His, yes, the Almighty God, Who made the heavens and the earth. Yes, the only Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Only His flowers He will pick to plant and continue shining in His glory for eternity together with Him in Heaven. Making together with Him Heaven their home as His bride, beautiful to behold.
Those flowers who choose to glory in their own fame here displeasing their Maker will be plucked dried out for eternity to burn in the lake of fire.
Lest we forget my sisters, that we are but, just flowers momentarily beautifying our Pearl of Africa.
Lest we forget that our only true value is in Him Who gave His precious life to give us a priceless value.
Happy Women’s Day Mukama Btuwe omukisa ffena abakyala baUganda!